The Bayouth Bunch

I'm obsessed with the Bayouth family- I just am.... and I can say this without being creepy because they are some of our very good family friends- I like to think MINE in particular! When I transferred back to TTU Debbie would called me to babysit her adorable kids. Sometimes babysitting was just to get the extra cash I needed for the next weekend's itinerary .... however, with the Bayouths it wasn't ever about the money. I enjoyed spending time with those kids and still miss them like crazy now that I'm old & married and babysitting doesn't constitute as my full time job! Luckily, Charlie is one of my dad's partners at work so we conveniently still get to see them from time to time, especially during football season! When I was babysitting for Debbie I found myself looking up to her. She's one of those people you feel like you've known forever. She's beautiful, confident, an amazing mom, wife, athlete.....she really has it all together! She also married her husband, Charlie while he was in the midst of medical school (just like Ryan and I) and has been SUCH an amazing mentor as to what I should expect during my "life as a med-school wife". I really am so grateful for her words of wisdom and her sweet friendship.

Now on to the kids.... Jacob, Joseph, Katie & Lauren (or LuLu as we call her)- The most perfect sibling dynamic since the Brady Bunch.... They are all very smart, well behaved, & active kids that have great futures ahead of them. The two youngest were actually flower girls in our wedding! I remember vividly babysitting all of them one day and watching them play in the back yard.... each one had a buddy (with there being 4 of them you know) and they all watched out for each other and got along so well! I went home and told Ryan we needed to have 4 kids so that no one would be left out... verdict is still out on that decision :)

I was thrilled when Debbie called me for some pictures of the kids. We made a day of it doing all 4 kids in the morning, breaking for a fabulous lunch at Chili's (thank you Debbie!), and doing a "mom & me" session with Debbie & her youngest in the afternoon. They are such a beautiful family, and better yet- just really great people.

Meet the Bayouths!

Life's a flash, capture accordingly